Dr Richard Kent.

Dr Richard Kent. Is a retired medical doctor and full-time evangelist, He travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and is involved with mission work on Death Row in the Philippines.
He is the author of The Final Frontier and Beyond The Final Frontier. He is also an expert on Near Death Experiences and has personally interviewed over 300 people who have died, gone to either haven or hell, and returned to tell others about their amazing experiences.
Freely you have received, freely give - MATTHEW 10:8

Monday, 31 August 2015

The Oldest Tree In The World.

The Oldest Tree In The WorldThe Bristle Cone Pine is the oldest tree in the world. It is estimated by scientists to be 4,300 years old, and is Earth's oldest living organism, (Quoted from Allyn and Bacon Biology, 1977, p.180).

- If the Earth is billions of years old, why are there not older trees on the Earth?

- Why is the oldest tree on Earth only 4,200 years old.

According to the Bible:

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

- Quite soon the continents stabilised, and then trees started to grow again.

- According to Biblical teaching, we would therefore expect the oldest tree in the world to have an age of approximately 4,400 years, or younger.

- The 4,300 year old age of the Bristle cone Pine Tree tends to confirm the Biblical account.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Mud Deposits From The Mississippi River.

Mud Deposits From The Mississippi River
According to Prentice Hall General Science, 1992 p.145, 80,000 tons of mud is deposited every hour by the Mississippi River at the New Orleans Delta.

The New Orleans Delta of the Mississippi River is enlarging every day. Scientists have studied the Delta very carefully, and have calculated that about 30,000 years elapsed to move all the existing mud into the New Orleans Delta.

Why is the whole Gulf of Mexico not full of mud? 

We think that Evolutionists should explain to Creationists why, if the Earth is billions of years old, the whole Gulf of Mexico is not full of mud by now.

- If the Earth is billions of years old, why the Gulf of Mexico not full of mud?

According to the Bible:

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

At this point we have to do some reasoning, based on observations and known facts:

- As water and mud washed into the newly created New Orleans Delta millions of tons of mud were deposited in the Gulf of Mexico within a very short period of time.

- As the water run off subsided, the slow flowing Mississippi river remained, and continued to deposit mud in the Gulf of Mexico at today's known rate of deposition.

- It may well be that, in calculating the number of years for the Mississippi river to deposit mud in the Gulf of Mexico, the scientists forgot the Flood, as the Bible mentions in the time of Noah.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

The Pressure Of Oil In Oil Wells.

The Pressure Of Oil In Oil Wells
Under the crust of the Earth, oil is found deposited in oil wells. This oil is under considerable pressure. The pressure in oil wells is measured in pounds per square inch or psi.

The pressure of oil in oil wells is 20,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This explains why, when oil prospectors drill down into the Earth's crust for the oil, the oil is forcibly ejected from the oil well, because of the tremendous pressure.

Oil formed from organisms that once lived in the sea

- According to Holt General Science, 1988, p.294, "Oil and gas are made from "organisms that once lived in the sea. …changed by heat and pressure"… into oil". .

- According to The Journal of Petroleum Geology Leigh Price 1983 p.32 oil can form in 1000-10,000 years!

- This subject is also discussed in "How Fast can Oil Form?" by Andrew Snelling 1990, Creation Ex Nihilo, 12(2):30.

Oil can be created artificially

- According to Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol 12 No. 2, p. 30, in "How fast can oil form?", scientist can now convert vegetable matter, using heat and pressure, into oil in a couple of minutes inside a laboratory.

- According to Hadden R. Appell, US Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, in "Converting Organic Wastes to Oil," oil can be manufactured in 20 minutes.

- According to Mike Riddle in "Creation/Evolution: Does it Matter what we Believe?" By, ICR, p. 28, "In 1996 a $22.4 million proposal was approved in Western Australia that will build a plant to create oil from sewage sludge in 30 minutes".

Geologists say the crust of the Earth could not have contained an oil pressure of 20,000 psi for more than 10,000 years

According to Creation Ex Nihilo Vol 12 No. 2, p.30 in "How fast can oil form?" geologists say that there is a limit to how long the rocks of the Earth's crust could contain a pressure of 20,000 psi. According to these geologists the rocks could not have contained that kind of oil pressure for more than 10,000 years, without breaking up.

- If the Earth is billions of years old, why is oil present in oil wells, if it cannot be contained for more than 10,000 years?

- How did the oil get there?

- How was the oil created?

According to the Bible.

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

At this point we have to do some reasoning, based on observations and known facts:

- About 4,400 years ago, according to the Bible, there was a Flood.

- In that Flood organic material in the form of fish, animals and people drowned.

- This organic material was greatly compressed by millions of tons of rocks, sand, gravel and mud, which compressed the dead carcasses, producing oil.

- Many Creationists believe that coal was similarly formed by the compression of vegetable matter at the time of Noah's flood.

The existence of oil in oil wells proves a young universe

Since, according to geologists, oil cannot be contained within the crust of the Earth for more than 10,000 years, the existence of oil in oil wells indicates that the Universe cannot be billions of years old, but less than 10,000 years old.

Friday, 28 August 2015

The Age Of The Sahara Desert.

The Age Of The Sahara Desert
The Sahara Desert has what it is called a Prevailing Wind Pattern. This means that the prevailing wind over the Sahara desert almost always blows from the same direction. This creates a problem. The hot air that blows off the desert dehydrates the trees near the edge of the desert. These dehydrated trees die, and the area of dead trees in then incorporated into the desert, causing the Sahara desert to increase in size every year. This process is called "desertification".

The Sahara Desert is only 1300 miles North to South and it is growing at the rate of four miles per year. Geophysicists announced recently that "the Sahara Desert is about 4,000 years old" based on extensive studies of growth patterns of the Sahara desert, (quoted from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. July 15, 1999 Geophysical Research Letters).

- If the Earth is billions of years old, why is there not an older desert on the Earth?

- Why is the oldest desert on Earth only 4,000 years old?

According to the Bible:

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

- Quite soon the continents stabilised, and then vegetation started to grow again.

- According to Biblical teaching, we would therefore expect the oldest desert in the world to have an age of approximately 4,400 years, or younger.

- The 4,000 year old age of the Sahara Desert tends to confirm the Biblical account.

The Energy From The Sun.

The Energy From The Sun
The Earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the Sun, even though the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Despite this huge distance, the Earth only receives one part in 2 trillion of the Sun's total energy.

- The Sun is only one star, among the 100 trillion billion stars in the Universe.

- According to Donald DeYoung in "Astronomy and the Bible p. 57", "It has been estimated that there are enough stars for every person on Earth to have 2,000,000,000,000 (2 trillion) of them".

- It has been said that the number of stars is greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world!

- The total energy in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension.

- According to the First Law of Thermodynamics energy cannot create itself.

We would like Evolutionists to explain to Creationists where, in their opinion, all this massive quantity of energy came from, in view of the First Law of Thermodynamics

The Anthropic Principle, The Fine Tuning Of The Universe.

The Anthropic Principle, The Fine Tuning Of The UniverseThis section is adapted from the research of Dr Chuck Missler of www.khouse.org

Our planet is exactly fine-tuned for the existence of man. There are thousands of parameters and ratios which are on a knife edge. This fine tuning is so critical that it simply could not have happened by chance.

Examples of parameters include:

- The temperature.

- The magnetic field.

- The partial pressure of all gases.

- The rotation period of the Earth.

- The gravitational forces in the Universe.

- The water vapour saturation.

- The availability of natural resources.

An example of the Anthropic Principle.

- If this planet was 5% closer to the Sun, the water of the Earth would evaporate.

- If this planet was 1% further away all the oceans on this planet would freeze.

Secular scientists and the Anthropic Principle

Secular scientists call the finely tuned parameters on Planet Earth "The Anthropic Principle". By this, it is implied that the fine-tuning of parameters required to support Life on Planet Earth are so highly correlated, accurate, and interdependent that it is almost as if an external designer had created the exact conditions for life on Planet Earth.

There is a very simple answer to the Anthropic Principle. An external designer did design and create everything! His name is Jesus Christ!

The Bible opens with the words, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth," Genesis 1:1.