Dr Richard Kent.

Dr Richard Kent. Is a retired medical doctor and full-time evangelist, He travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and is involved with mission work on Death Row in the Philippines.
He is the author of The Final Frontier and Beyond The Final Frontier. He is also an expert on Near Death Experiences and has personally interviewed over 300 people who have died, gone to either haven or hell, and returned to tell others about their amazing experiences.
Freely you have received, freely give - MATTHEW 10:8

Thursday, 3 September 2015

The Saltiness Of The Oceans.

The Saltiness Of The Oceans

The Saltiness Of The Oceans
There is a well established water cycle. In the water cycle, rain falls from the clouds, runs off the dry land into the sea, and is evaporated by the heat of the Sun from the sea back into the clouds.

The water cycle causes mineral salts to be deposited in the oceans

- After rain falls from the clouds 30% of the water runs into the ocean.

- The water that runs into the ocean leaches mineral salts out of the soil and river basins.

- The mineral salts are transported by the rain water into the oceans.
Evaporation removes fresh water from the oceans, leaving the mineral salts behind.

- As a result, the oceans are gaining salt every day.

- The oceans today are 3.6% salt.

- Using estimated rates of increasing mineral salt deposition on the oceans, the oceans could have gone from fresh water to salt in less than 5,000 years.

The known saltiness of the oceans, and the "Old Earth Theory" of the Evolutionists 

If the Earth is billions of years old why are not the oceans saltier than they actually are? For example, the Dead Sea is estimated to have a salt content in excess of 30%. If the water cycle has been in existence for billions of years, as claimed by Evolutionists, the oceans\should be much saltier than they actually are.

A commonly asked question is "How did fresh water fish survive the Food of Noah, when the whole world was covered in water? "

There is an assumption that the water that covered the earth in Noah's Flood was "sea water", or "salt water". In fact, the water that covered the Earth in Noah's flood was almost certainly fresh water, since there was no rain before Noah's Flood, and therefore no salt washed into the seas.

The fact that the ocean is salt water today is because the oceans are getting saltier every day. Since the Flood 4,400 years have elapsed, which are a lot of days for the fresh water to get saltier.

Today we observe fresh water fish and salt water fish. We also observe fresh water alligators and salt water alligators. These changes are adaptations to the increasing saltiness of the water, and are in no way related to Evolution.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Known facts about the Niagara Falls.

Studies Of The Niagara Falls

Studies Of The Niagara Falls
The Niagara Falls are the famous waterfalls between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. As in the case of all waterfalls, there is erosion of the rocky ledge of the waterfall.

According to Holt Earth Science 1994, p 178, "the whirlpool action at the base of the Falls erodes the weak shale rock at the base of the Falls. This erosion undermines the tough Dolostone layer at the top of the Falls, and from time to time the Dolostone breaks off, and the waterfall recedes". 

In the photograph, published by the Niagara Falls Museum Guide, the Crest Lines show the recession of the Horseshoe Falls since 1764. According to the Niagara Falls Museum Guide, the rate of recession has been 865 feet in 185 years, or approximately 4.7 feet per year.

According to Holt Earth Science, 1984, p.384, "the Niagara Falls was formed by weak rocks that rapidly wore back, forming a long gorge. Geologists have found that the falls move back at an average rate of 4 feet per year. A gorge about seven and a half miles long runs just below the Niagara falls. A simple calculation shows that it has been about 9,900 years since the Niagara River stated cutting its gorge back from Lake Ontario".

- The Niagara River runs North from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.

- The Niagara Falls are slowly being eroded, so that the recession of the Niagara Falls causes the waterfalls to slowly move South towards Lake Eyrie.

- The Niagara Falls used to be further North, but has eroded 7.5 miles towards Lake Eyrie since 1764.

Why do the Niagara Falls exist at all?

- We would like to Evolutionists to explain to Creationists why, if the Niagara Falls are billions of years old, and the rate of recession is 4.7 feet per year, why the Niagara Falls exist at all.

- At the known rate of recession, the Niagara Falls should have eroded all the way back to Lake Eyrie billions of years ago.

According to the Bible:

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

At this point we have to do some reasoning, based on observations and known facts.

- According to Biblical teaching, we would therefore expect the oldest waterfalls in the world to have an age of approximately 4,400 years, including the Niagara Falls.

- 4,400 years ago there was a Flood, and as the Flood water ran off about half of the flood water from Lake Eyrie washed out almost immediately.

- The Niagara Falls have been eroding the rocky ledge for the last 4,400 years only.

- The existence of the Niagara Falls tends to confirm the Biblical Creation account.

Read more: http://www.freechristianteaching.org/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=88#ixzz3kZ0qbIoP
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Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Parts of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia were destroyed in World War II by ships anchors and explosives. Following this, environmentalists in Australia devised an experiment to observe the rate of re-growth of the coral of the Great Barrier Reef. After carefully observing the re-growth of the Reef over 20 years, they calculated that the estimated age of the Great Barrier Reef, based on their calculations, is 4,200 years old (Quoted from Creation Ex Nihilo Vol. 8 No. 1, p.).

- If the Earth is billions of years old, why is there not an older Reef on the Earth?

- Why is the oldest corral reef on Earth only 4,200 years old?

According to the Bible:

- God created the Heavens and the Earth 6,000 years ago approximately.

- 4,400 years ago there was a world wide Flood.

- As the crust of the Earth was broken up, and water ran off the land, the geography was dramatically altered.

- Quite soon the continents stabilised, and then reefs started to grow again.

- According to Biblical teaching, we would therefore expect the oldest reef in the world to have an age of approximately 4,400 years.

- The 4,400 year old age of the Great Barrier Reef tends to confirm the Biblical account.