![Scientific Evidence For Near Death Experiences](http://www.freechristianteaching.org/uploads/smartsection/images/item/movies02_02.jpg)
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I here?
- Where am I going to?
We also want to answer the question of what happens after we die. We all want to know the answer the question, "What happens after we die?"
Earlier civilisations were fascinated by life after death, as have been philosophers, artists and playwrights through the ages. All have expounded their theories of life after death. However, there was no way of applying any scientific reasoning to the question of life after death.
Towards the end of the twentieth century, doctors became aware
of a phenomenon in which resuscitated patients reported Near
Death Experiences. During these experiences, often referred to as NDE's, patients encounter an after life reality.
The phenomenon of NDE's, in which individuals reported consciousness beyond clinical death, has been documented for centuries. But only in the twentieth century could doctors apply technology and scientific reasoning to answer questions about life after death.
There has been a great deal of scientific research about patients reporting a consciousness beyond clinical death. During these NDE's, patients report experiences of Heaven and Hell, after clinical death.
The questions raised by scientists about NDE's are:
1. What exactly is this phenomenon?
2. Is this phenomenon the result of brain chemicals causing hallucinations?
3. Or are the patients experiencing reality?
The medical profession has recently become aware of the reality of NDE's
Towards the end of the 20th century, with the arrival of new technology, and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, the medical profession has been faced with the reality of these NDE's.
With the new technology the actual electrical recordings of the heart and the brain could be monitored, as well as other parameters such as pulse, blood pressure, respiratory movements, blood oxygen, blood carbon dioxide levels, and body temperature.
Doctors had also become skilled at Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. When a patient's heart and respiratory system failed, these systems could be artificially maintained. Electrical shocks could be applied to the heart muscle, and intravenous medications given, in an attempt to restore normal heart function.
Shahid Siraj Din, Pakistan
The patient's name was Shahid Siraj Din. Shahid was a property developer in Lahore, Pakistan. He sustained a severe myocardial infarction on 6th March 1990. He was admitted to the famous Aadil Hospital, in Lahore, Pakistan, which was the first hospital in Pakistan to be awarded the prestigious ISO 9002 Certification.
Shahid Siraj Din was a patient of Dr Ansar Haider, a consultant cardiologist at the Aadil hospital. Despite the best efforts of Dr Haider's skilled medical team in the Intensive Care Unit, Shahid' heart stopped. In medical language he had a Cardiac Arrest.
Shahid was resuscitated using cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and received three separate electric shocks to his heart, using a cardiac defibrillator. Shahid was resuscitated after four minutes. The ECG evidence is shown here, with a straight line ECG tracing.
There is no question that Shahid was dead. At the time of his death he was being treated by Dr Ansar Haider, and was also accompanied by his sister and brother-in-law, both medical doctors.
After his resuscitation, Shahid explained that he felt his spirit leaving his body, and that he encountered angels and a demon, as well as Jesus Christ. Shahid's full testimony is recorded on this web site: for full details please click here.
Shahid's full testimony is also contained in the the free e-book BEYOND THE FINAL FRONTIER, also available on this web site.
To many people this may sound rather far fetched, so we have purposely reproduced a letter from the Aadil Hospital confirming that Shahid was indeed dead. Equally remarkable was the complete change in the patient's life, which is a very common feature of NDE patients.
Shahid gave up his very well paid job as a property developer, and, with his sister, Dr Tahira Saleem, he set up the Shekinah Churches and Shekinah Bible Institutes in Lahore and Quetta, Pakistan. These are now thriving Christian churches in a predominantly Moslem country. Shahid then became one of the best known Christian evangelists in Pakistan over a period of eight years. Shahid's life touched the lives of thousands of people.
Shahid sadly died for the second and last time in 1998. But he left behind him a thriving Bible college.
His sister, Tahira, in an international speaker for Aglow International, and speaks on many subjects, including WHAT DOES GOD THINK ABOUT ABORTION? on this web site. She may be contacted at the following address:
Dr Tahira Saleem,
Skekinah Bible Institute
159 Hamza Town,
19 km Main Forozepur Road,
E-mail: tahira1@brain.net.pk
NDE accounts are extremely common
NDE accounts following cardio- pulmonary resuscitation are extremely common. The author of this book, Dr Richard Kent, spent some time as an anaesthetist, and was often involved in emergency Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation of very seriously ill and dying patients. He frequently heard patients giving their accounts of their Near Death Experience.
Typical accounts given by NDE patients
The accounts often included Biblical subjects, such as angels, demons, Heaven, and Hell. The accounts bear a striking similarity to each other, and the NDE patients insist that they are nothing like a dream or hallucination. In addition, children often provide startling accounts of NDE's.
Added credibility given to the NDE experience
The phenomenon of NDE's was given considerably more credibility when Maria, a migrant worker from Eastern Europe, died in an Intensive Care Unit in Seattle.
Following her resuscitation she described to the medical staff her out of body experiences both on the ceiling of the ICU, and also above the hospital itself. She also described a tennis shoe, which, she claimed, had been left on the roof of the hospital. The medical staff were shocked to discover that the tennis shoe was in fact present on the roof of the hospital, which Maria had no way of knowing, other than through her NDE experiences.
This event is discussed in the free movie THE FINAL FRONTIER viewable on this web site.
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