Dr Richard Kent.

Dr Richard Kent. Is a retired medical doctor and full-time evangelist, He travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and is involved with mission work on Death Row in the Philippines.
He is the author of The Final Frontier and Beyond The Final Frontier. He is also an expert on Near Death Experiences and has personally interviewed over 300 people who have died, gone to either haven or hell, and returned to tell others about their amazing experiences.
Freely you have received, freely give - MATTHEW 10:8

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Unexplained Observations About The Planets Saturn And Jupiter.

Unexplained Observations About The Planets Saturn And Jupiter
Saturn's rings are unstable and cannot be billions of years old.

The planet Saturn has rings around it, but these rings are unstable. They are moving away from the planet, and Saturn is loosing its rings. At the current rate of movement of Saturn's rings, they could have been there for only a few thousand years. If the Universe was billions of years old, Saturn's rings would have disappeared into space billions of years ago. This is explained in the following books:

"See It's a Young World After All", by Paul Ackerman.

"In the Beginning", by Walt Brown pp.29 & 69.

Jupiter's moon Ganymede has a strong magnetic field. 

Jupiter's moon Ganymede is still hot. A small moon should not be hot after billions of years, any more than our own moon. This certainly does not support the theory of an old universe.

This subject is discussed in the following article: "Magnetic fields are generated by the liquid motion of molten metal inside a body. Yet Ganymede should have cooled solid billions of years ago." Quoted from Denver Post December 13, 1996, "Jupiter Probe detects mysterious moon dust", by K.C. Cole.

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