Dr Richard Kent.

Dr Richard Kent. Is a retired medical doctor and full-time evangelist, He travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and is involved with mission work on Death Row in the Philippines.
He is the author of The Final Frontier and Beyond The Final Frontier. He is also an expert on Near Death Experiences and has personally interviewed over 300 people who have died, gone to either haven or hell, and returned to tell others about their amazing experiences.
Freely you have received, freely give - MATTHEW 10:8

Monday, 26 October 2015

The Passover.

The Passover
The Children of Israel were in slavery to Pharaoh, who is a picture in the Bible of Satan. God commanded the Children of Israel to kill an adult male lamb, without any blemish. This is a Biblical picture of Jesus Christ. The lamb had to be slaughtered, and its blood placed on the wooden door posts, a Biblical picture of the Cross. None of its bones should be broken.

This foreshadowed the Crucifixion when the Angel of Death passed over their house. Nobody in the house would die if the blood of the lamb was placed on the door posts. This is a picture of the Crucifixion. Nobody would suffer the wrath of God if they identified with the Blood of Jesus Christ, spilled at the Crucifixion, the Atonement by Jesus Christ for sin.

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