We believe that Evolution is a belief system, not a science.
1. Nobody was present at the Biblical Creation 6,000 years ago.
2. Nobody was present at the supposed "Big Bang", whether it was 20 billion or 12 billion years ago.
3. The two belief systems are about as far apart as it is possible to be, a difference of 3.3 million times in time scale alone, and a massive difference in probabilities.
4. If you asked the average child (or non-prejudiced adult) which of the two models, Creation or Evolution, was the more likely, there would be no contest at all!
5. The Theory of Evolution is outrageous to virtually everybody in Africa, India, Pakistan, South East Asia and South America, irrespective of their religious or cultural background.
6. Two thirds of the world's population believe that this planet was created.
7. There is a wide variation of opinion amongst those 4 billion people about how and when the world was created, but the cultures of approximately 4 billion people still believe in Creation.
8. University professors and teachers of Western "civilised" society believe they know better than everybody else, and are frantically trying to convert everybody else to their new religion called Evolution, all caused by a "god" called "chance".
9. In our Western First World society Creation is widely ridiculed.
10. In the rest of the world, predominantly Second and Third World societies, Evolution is regarded as absurd.
11. Evolutionists love to talk about "primitive life forms," which do not exist in the real world. If life is so "simple" and "primitive", these clever people should have no problem at all creating a "simple life form" in a laboratory. So far, they have not!
12. In the real world, all life is incredibly complex, as many scientists quoted in our teaching on Evolution Is Impossible have acknowledged.
13. Most people in Western cultures have been taught to accept unquestioningly certain principles, one of which is the Theory of Evolution.
14. The Theory of Evolution is a theory, not a fact.
15. The idea that life evolved by "Spontaneous Generation" out of nothing is a belief, and is contrary to the Law of Biogenesis.
16. No unambiguous information, acceptable in a science laboratory or a court of law, confirms the Creation of Life by means of any Evolutionary process.
17. If such information is available to you, or anyone you know of, world wide, please feel free to write your thesis, and claim your $250,000 offered by Dr Kent Hovind Click here.
18. Scientists have no clear data supporting the idea that life evolved over millions of years.
19. There is no known way to test experimentally the idea that the Origin of the Universe resulted from a ""Big Bang", or that life arose by "Spontaneous Generation."
20. Most of modern science, as taught in our Western schools and universities, is atheist when considering the Origins of Life.
21. Biblical accounts of the Origins of space, matter, time, energy, and life are considered to be "outside the realms of science." In fact the Bible is a very scientific book, as demonstrated in our teaching The Bible is Supernatural on this web site.
22. Unfortunately neither the Biblical Creation Model nor the Evolution Model can be subjected to the normal scientific experimental processes. They are both belief systems.
23. In order to have a serious discussion about either Creation or Evolution, an unprejudiced person will have to abandon concepts that Science has "proved Evolution."
24. Science cannot prove or disprove Creation or Evolution.
25. Instead we all have to make observations about our Solar system and our Planet Earth, and come to conclusions based on our observations. This does not involve the use of the normal scientific method.
26. To study both Creation and Evolution we have to use a different method, but this is the only method that is available to us. We can make observations and conclusions, but we cannot test these theories.
27. We believe that the process of actual scientific observation and conclusion very strongly supports Creation, as we intend to demonstrate.
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