This text is used, with permission, from the work of Dr Kent Hovind of www.drdino.com
To view a free video on this subject, please visit Creationist Kent Hovind Reveals The Truth About Dinosaurs And Evolution! - Google Video
The word "dinosaur"
There are thousands of legends of people seeing or killing dragons. The word "dinosaur" was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1841. Before that time they were known as "dragons".
Dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible

"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox. See now, his strength is in his hips, and his power is in his stomach muscles. He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit. His bones are like beams of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron. He is the first of the ways of God," Job 40:15-19 NKJV.
Many commentators believe that this text refers to Dinosaurs, which, in the Bible, are referred to as "dragons". Note that neither the elephant nor the hippopotamus have tails like a cedar tree!
Dragons in the Bible

In the Bible Dragons are mentioned 35 times. For example:
- "Their wine is the poison of dragons", Deuteronomy 32:33.
- "Thou breakest the heads of the dragons in the waters" Psalms 74:13.
The Bible speaks of a beast with fire coming out its mouth, and smoke from its nostrils
- "Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out," Job 41:19.
- "Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron" Job 41:20
The Bible also speaks of fiery flying serpents
"Do not rejoice, all you of Philistia, because the rod that struck you is broken; For out of the serpent's roots will come forth a viper, and its offspring will be a fiery flying serpent". Isaiah 14:29, NKJ.
The Creation Of The Animals on Day 6
In Genesis 1:24-25 we read, "Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind"; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good".
- According to the Bible, each animal was created "according to its kind", including the Dinosaurs.
- We believe that the dinosaurs entered the Ark with Noah.
- Noah probably chose small ones!
When the dinosaurs left Noah's Ark they faced a changed environment with a more hostile climate, to which they were not well adapted. The partial pressure of oxygen was very much lower in the atmosphere after the flood, following the collapse of the water canopy at the time of Noah's flood.
- According to experiments recorded in Time magazine the partial pressure of Oxygen in the atmosphere was formerly 50% higher
- According to Time Magazine the oxygen content in Amber is 50% higher than it is now, (see Time Magazine, Nov 9, 1987, p. 82).
- Amber is a semi-precious stone, commonly used in ladies jewellery.
- Amber is actually fossilized tree sap, and frequently contains either insects, or bubbles of air.
- According to Time Magazine November 9, 1987, p. 82, bubbles of air in Amber have an oxygen content that is 50% higher than the present atmospheric air.
- According to this article in Time Magazine, Geochemists Gary Landis of the US Geological Survey and Robert Berner of Yale analyzed tiny air bubbles trapped in specimens of Amber.
- They placed the Amber specimens inside a vacuum chamber, and then opened the Amber, allowing the ancient trapped gases to escape.
- They found that the air contained 32% oxygen, which is much higher than out current 21% oxygen content in the atmosphere.
- This is startling news, and explains, perhaps, the large humans, animals and insects found in the fossil record.
- This finding is confirmed in The New Scientist Magazine published on March 11, 2000. According to this article the air trapped in Amber has 35% oxygen.
- Since God created dinosaurs before the flood, the dinosaurs were created to be able to breathe comfortably in an atmosphere that was very much richer in oxygen.
- The dinosaurs may have been poorly adapted to the oxygen content after the Flood.
- If dinosaur skeletons are inspected, it will be noted that they have comparatively small nostrils.
- When the dinosaurs emerged from Noah's Ark, they may have had respiratory problems because of the lower oxygen content of the air, and their poorly adapted small nostrils.
- In order to ventilate their huge lungs with the air containing less oxygen they would have had to hyperventilate (breathe faster and deeper).
- This faster breathing would have caused their nostrils to become quite hot due to the rapid passage of air through their proportionally small nostrils.
- This may explain why dragons are noted to breathe fire and have smoke coming out of their nostrils.
- We believe that many dinosaurs died from the changes in the oxygen content of the atmosphere within the first few hundred years of the Flood.
- The poorly adapted dinosaurs would have been slow moving animals, and would have thus been easy prey for anyone wanting to provide meat for the whole town, and become a hero at the same time!
"One Chinese legend tells of a famous Chinese man named Yu. After the great flood Yu surveyed the land of China and divided it into sections. He built channels to drain the water off to the sea and helped make the land liveable again. Many snakes and dragons were driven from the marshlands when Yu created the new farmlands." Quoted from The Great Dinosaur Mystery P. 42 Available from www.drdino.com

People draw what they see! In order to draw dragons it must have been the case that people actually saw dragons, which we now call dinosaurs. Below are some examples of pictures of dragons actually discovered.
There are images of Dragons and Lions found on the old walls of the newly excavated ancient city of Babylon. This is noted in The Rise of Babylon by Charles Dyer p. 128, from which this image is taken.

This image of a dragon from the gates of Babylon is now in the Vorderasiatishes museum in Berlin.

The Ishtar Gate from Babylon showing lions and dragons. The photo is now in the Staatliche Museum in Berlin. Photo from On the Track of Unknown Animals by Bernard Heuvelmans p. 573.

A Roman mosaic found in the 2nd century A.D. shows two long-necked dragons. See The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor.

A slate palette from Heirakonpolis, shows triumph of King Nar-mer (first Pharaoh of a united Egypt) and long necked dragons. See The Ancient Near Pictures by Pritchard p. 93 See also: Technology of the Gods by David Hatcher Childress.

Long necked dragon found on hippo tusk in the tomb of Inherka, dated 12th century BC in Egypt.
For more on dinosaurs found on ancient art see www.rae.org

A Babylonian cylinder seal, dated approximately 600 B.C. from After the Flood by Bill Cooper page157.

Alexander the Great reported that, when he conquered parts of what is now India in 326 B.C. his soldiers were scared by the great dragons that lived in caves.

St. George is reported to have slain a dragon in 275 A.D. St. George was martyred for his faith in 303 AD. He is the patron saint of both England and Portugal. See Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish p. 81.

Beowulf slew many dragons and was killed while fighting a winged dragon in 583 A.D. at age 88! The story says Beowulf killed Grendel the dragon by pulling off one of its small front arms. The creature later bled to death.

In 900 A.D. Irish writings record an animal with iron nails on its tail and a head similar to a horse. It also had thick legs and strong claws. These details match the features of dinosaurs like the Kentrosaurus and Stegosaurus. See "The Great Dinosaur Mystery" by Paul Taylor, available from www.drdino.com

Viking ships in 1000 A.D. often had a dragon head, see The Vikings p.17. The Unexplained, vol. 3, 1985, p. 386. There is also the Voluspa account of a dragon called Nithhoggr by the Vikings as recorded in After the Flood by Bill Cooper p. 142

According to Norse legend Siegfried killed the dragon Fafnir that guarded a treasure in the land on Gnitahead. See Dragons A Natural History by Karl Shuker page 45.

Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years around 1271 A.D. and reported that the Emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in his parades. In 1611 the emperor appointed the post of a "Royal Dragon Feeder." Books even tell of Chinese families raising dragons to use their blood for medicines, and their highly prized eggs. See The Dragon in China & Japan, by M.W. DeVisser, 1969.

The city of Nerluc, France was renamed in honour of the "dragon" slain there. It was described as being bigger than an ox and having long, sharp, pointed horns on its head. See The Great Dinosaur Mystery p. 40
In May 1572 the Italian Scientist Ulysses Aldrovandus obtained the dead body of a "dragon" and had it mounted for a museum display.
Hans Egede, Missionary to Greenland, drew this sketch of the "sea monster" he saw off the coast of Greenland in 1734
"As for other Sea Monsters……none of them have been seen by us, or any of our Time, that I ever could hear, save the most dreadful Monster, that showed itself upon the surface of the Water in the year 1734, off our New Colony in 64 Degrees. This monster was of so huge a size, that coming out of the Water, its Head reached as high as the Mast Head. Its body was as bulky as the Ship, and three or four times as long. It had a long pointed Snout, and spouted like a Whale-Fish; great broad Paws, and the body seemed covered with shell-work, its skin very rugged and uneven. The under Part of its Body was shaped like an huge Serpent, and it dived under the Water, it plunged backward into the Sea, and so raised its tail aloft, which seemed a whole Ship's length distant from the bulkiest part of its body." From Det gamle Gronlands nye Perlustration (1741), image drawn by Missionary Hans Egede as quoted by William Gibbons in Missionaries and Monsters p. 20.
German U-boat reports gigantic sea animal

On July 30, 1915 a German U-boat Capt. Georg von Forstner's reported that, "The steamer sank quickly. When it had been gone for about 25 seconds, there was a violent explosion. A little later, pieces of wreckage and among them a gigantic sea animal was shot out of the water. It was about 60 feet long," from Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish page 87.

The Likouala swamp in Congo and Zaire is 55,000 square miles of 80% unexplored territory. In the Bible we read that Leviathan may be found in marshes (Job 40: 21).
Missionary Eugene Thomas had two pygmies in his mission in Congo, Africa that claimed to have killed a Mokele-Mbembe in 1959.

A well known South African big game hunter, Mr. F. Gobler, returned from a trip to Angola and announced to the Cape Town newspaper, the Cape Argus, that "There was an animal of large dimensions, the description of which could only fit a dinosaur, dwelling in the Dilolo Swamps and known to the natives as the Chipekwe. It has the head and tail of a lizard." Quoted from "There Could be Dinosaurs" by Ivan T. Sanderson, 1948 page 52.
According to the missionary Chuck Davis the Azande people in Central African Republic call it "Ngururi".

Marcellin Agnagna here drawing what he saw in the swamp in 1983, Page 96 Mysterious Creatures.

Missionary Cal Bombay and his wife said they watched a creature like this for 15 minutes in Kenya. This is quoted from "A Living Dinosaur?" page 256.

In 1907 Lt-Colonel Percy Fawcett of the British Army was sent to mark the boundaries between Brazil and Peru. He was an officer in the Royal Engineers and was well known as a meticulous recorder of facts. In the Beni Swamps of Madre de Dios Colonel P. H. Fawcett saw an animal he believed to be Diplodocus. The Diplodocus story is confirmed by many of the tribes east of the Ucayali, according to The Rivers Ran East by Leonard Clark, Funk and Wagnals Co. 1953.

This 32 foot long creature weighing 4000 pounds was hauled up from 900 feet down off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. It was dead, rotting and smelled terrible. After examining the creature it was thrown back. The fishermen and the marine biologist who saw it knew what basking sharks looked like and did not think it was a basking shark.

This 25 foot creature was washed up on the beach in Querqueville, Normandy, France in March, 1934. Two professors from Paris Natural History Museum analyzed the creature and said, "It was definitely not a whale or a sea cow. It is possible we are in the presence of an unknown species." Quoted from Time Magazine March 12, 1934 p. 32.
In 1905 observers on the yacht Valhalla, cruising of the coast of Brazil spotted a dorsal fin about six feet long and two feet high. Then a small head on a neck about seven or eight feet long rose in front of the fin. The creatures colour was mainly dark brown, turning white on the underside of the neck, and a "good-sized" body could be seen under the water. The observers were two experienced British naturalists, Michael J. Nicoll and E.G.B. Meade- Waldo, Fellows of the Zoological Society. They published an account in "Proceedings". Quoted from Rumors of Existence, 1995 Matthew A. Bille p.127.
To view a free video on this subject, please visit Creationist Kent Hovind Reveals The Truth About Dinosaurs And Evolution! - Google Video
The word "dinosaur"
There are thousands of legends of people seeing or killing dragons. The word "dinosaur" was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1841. Before that time they were known as "dragons".
Dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible

"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox. See now, his strength is in his hips, and his power is in his stomach muscles. He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit. His bones are like beams of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron. He is the first of the ways of God," Job 40:15-19 NKJV.
Many commentators believe that this text refers to Dinosaurs, which, in the Bible, are referred to as "dragons". Note that neither the elephant nor the hippopotamus have tails like a cedar tree!
Dragons in the Bible

In the Bible Dragons are mentioned 35 times. For example:
- "Their wine is the poison of dragons", Deuteronomy 32:33.
- "Thou breakest the heads of the dragons in the waters" Psalms 74:13.

- "Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out," Job 41:19.
- "Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron" Job 41:20
The Bible also speaks of fiery flying serpents

The Creation Of The Animals on Day 6
In Genesis 1:24-25 we read, "Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind"; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good".
- According to the Bible, each animal was created "according to its kind", including the Dinosaurs.
- We believe that the dinosaurs entered the Ark with Noah.
- Noah probably chose small ones!

- According to experiments recorded in Time magazine the partial pressure of Oxygen in the atmosphere was formerly 50% higher
- According to Time Magazine the oxygen content in Amber is 50% higher than it is now, (see Time Magazine, Nov 9, 1987, p. 82).
- Amber is a semi-precious stone, commonly used in ladies jewellery.
- Amber is actually fossilized tree sap, and frequently contains either insects, or bubbles of air.
- According to Time Magazine November 9, 1987, p. 82, bubbles of air in Amber have an oxygen content that is 50% higher than the present atmospheric air.
- According to this article in Time Magazine, Geochemists Gary Landis of the US Geological Survey and Robert Berner of Yale analyzed tiny air bubbles trapped in specimens of Amber.
- They placed the Amber specimens inside a vacuum chamber, and then opened the Amber, allowing the ancient trapped gases to escape.
- They found that the air contained 32% oxygen, which is much higher than out current 21% oxygen content in the atmosphere.
- This is startling news, and explains, perhaps, the large humans, animals and insects found in the fossil record.
- This finding is confirmed in The New Scientist Magazine published on March 11, 2000. According to this article the air trapped in Amber has 35% oxygen.

- The dinosaurs may have been poorly adapted to the oxygen content after the Flood.
- If dinosaur skeletons are inspected, it will be noted that they have comparatively small nostrils.
- When the dinosaurs emerged from Noah's Ark, they may have had respiratory problems because of the lower oxygen content of the air, and their poorly adapted small nostrils.
- In order to ventilate their huge lungs with the air containing less oxygen they would have had to hyperventilate (breathe faster and deeper).
- This faster breathing would have caused their nostrils to become quite hot due to the rapid passage of air through their proportionally small nostrils.
- This may explain why dragons are noted to breathe fire and have smoke coming out of their nostrils.
- We believe that many dinosaurs died from the changes in the oxygen content of the atmosphere within the first few hundred years of the Flood.
- The poorly adapted dinosaurs would have been slow moving animals, and would have thus been easy prey for anyone wanting to provide meat for the whole town, and become a hero at the same time!
"One Chinese legend tells of a famous Chinese man named Yu. After the great flood Yu surveyed the land of China and divided it into sections. He built channels to drain the water off to the sea and helped make the land liveable again. Many snakes and dragons were driven from the marshlands when Yu created the new farmlands." Quoted from The Great Dinosaur Mystery P. 42 Available from www.drdino.com

People draw what they see! In order to draw dragons it must have been the case that people actually saw dragons, which we now call dinosaurs. Below are some examples of pictures of dragons actually discovered.
There are images of Dragons and Lions found on the old walls of the newly excavated ancient city of Babylon. This is noted in The Rise of Babylon by Charles Dyer p. 128, from which this image is taken.

This image of a dragon from the gates of Babylon is now in the Vorderasiatishes museum in Berlin.

The Ishtar Gate from Babylon showing lions and dragons. The photo is now in the Staatliche Museum in Berlin. Photo from On the Track of Unknown Animals by Bernard Heuvelmans p. 573.

A Roman mosaic found in the 2nd century A.D. shows two long-necked dragons. See The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor.

A slate palette from Heirakonpolis, shows triumph of King Nar-mer (first Pharaoh of a united Egypt) and long necked dragons. See The Ancient Near Pictures by Pritchard p. 93 See also: Technology of the Gods by David Hatcher Childress.

Long necked dragon found on hippo tusk in the tomb of Inherka, dated 12th century BC in Egypt.
For more on dinosaurs found on ancient art see www.rae.org

A Babylonian cylinder seal, dated approximately 600 B.C. from After the Flood by Bill Cooper page157.

Alexander the Great reported that, when he conquered parts of what is now India in 326 B.C. his soldiers were scared by the great dragons that lived in caves.

St. George is reported to have slain a dragon in 275 A.D. St. George was martyred for his faith in 303 AD. He is the patron saint of both England and Portugal. See Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish p. 81.

Beowulf slew many dragons and was killed while fighting a winged dragon in 583 A.D. at age 88! The story says Beowulf killed Grendel the dragon by pulling off one of its small front arms. The creature later bled to death.

In 900 A.D. Irish writings record an animal with iron nails on its tail and a head similar to a horse. It also had thick legs and strong claws. These details match the features of dinosaurs like the Kentrosaurus and Stegosaurus. See "The Great Dinosaur Mystery" by Paul Taylor, available from www.drdino.com

Viking ships in 1000 A.D. often had a dragon head, see The Vikings p.17. The Unexplained, vol. 3, 1985, p. 386. There is also the Voluspa account of a dragon called Nithhoggr by the Vikings as recorded in After the Flood by Bill Cooper p. 142

According to Norse legend Siegfried killed the dragon Fafnir that guarded a treasure in the land on Gnitahead. See Dragons A Natural History by Karl Shuker page 45.

Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years around 1271 A.D. and reported that the Emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in his parades. In 1611 the emperor appointed the post of a "Royal Dragon Feeder." Books even tell of Chinese families raising dragons to use their blood for medicines, and their highly prized eggs. See The Dragon in China & Japan, by M.W. DeVisser, 1969.

The city of Nerluc, France was renamed in honour of the "dragon" slain there. It was described as being bigger than an ox and having long, sharp, pointed horns on its head. See The Great Dinosaur Mystery p. 40
In May 1572 the Italian Scientist Ulysses Aldrovandus obtained the dead body of a "dragon" and had it mounted for a museum display.

"As for other Sea Monsters……none of them have been seen by us, or any of our Time, that I ever could hear, save the most dreadful Monster, that showed itself upon the surface of the Water in the year 1734, off our New Colony in 64 Degrees. This monster was of so huge a size, that coming out of the Water, its Head reached as high as the Mast Head. Its body was as bulky as the Ship, and three or four times as long. It had a long pointed Snout, and spouted like a Whale-Fish; great broad Paws, and the body seemed covered with shell-work, its skin very rugged and uneven. The under Part of its Body was shaped like an huge Serpent, and it dived under the Water, it plunged backward into the Sea, and so raised its tail aloft, which seemed a whole Ship's length distant from the bulkiest part of its body." From Det gamle Gronlands nye Perlustration (1741), image drawn by Missionary Hans Egede as quoted by William Gibbons in Missionaries and Monsters p. 20.
German U-boat reports gigantic sea animal

On July 30, 1915 a German U-boat Capt. Georg von Forstner's reported that, "The steamer sank quickly. When it had been gone for about 25 seconds, there was a violent explosion. A little later, pieces of wreckage and among them a gigantic sea animal was shot out of the water. It was about 60 feet long," from Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish page 87.

The Likouala swamp in Congo and Zaire is 55,000 square miles of 80% unexplored territory. In the Bible we read that Leviathan may be found in marshes (Job 40: 21).
Missionary Eugene Thomas had two pygmies in his mission in Congo, Africa that claimed to have killed a Mokele-Mbembe in 1959.

A well known South African big game hunter, Mr. F. Gobler, returned from a trip to Angola and announced to the Cape Town newspaper, the Cape Argus, that "There was an animal of large dimensions, the description of which could only fit a dinosaur, dwelling in the Dilolo Swamps and known to the natives as the Chipekwe. It has the head and tail of a lizard." Quoted from "There Could be Dinosaurs" by Ivan T. Sanderson, 1948 page 52.
According to the missionary Chuck Davis the Azande people in Central African Republic call it "Ngururi".

Marcellin Agnagna here drawing what he saw in the swamp in 1983, Page 96 Mysterious Creatures.

Missionary Cal Bombay and his wife said they watched a creature like this for 15 minutes in Kenya. This is quoted from "A Living Dinosaur?" page 256.

In 1907 Lt-Colonel Percy Fawcett of the British Army was sent to mark the boundaries between Brazil and Peru. He was an officer in the Royal Engineers and was well known as a meticulous recorder of facts. In the Beni Swamps of Madre de Dios Colonel P. H. Fawcett saw an animal he believed to be Diplodocus. The Diplodocus story is confirmed by many of the tribes east of the Ucayali, according to The Rivers Ran East by Leonard Clark, Funk and Wagnals Co. 1953.

This 32 foot long creature weighing 4000 pounds was hauled up from 900 feet down off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. It was dead, rotting and smelled terrible. After examining the creature it was thrown back. The fishermen and the marine biologist who saw it knew what basking sharks looked like and did not think it was a basking shark.

This 25 foot creature was washed up on the beach in Querqueville, Normandy, France in March, 1934. Two professors from Paris Natural History Museum analyzed the creature and said, "It was definitely not a whale or a sea cow. It is possible we are in the presence of an unknown species." Quoted from Time Magazine March 12, 1934 p. 32.

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