A key to understanding the Pre-Flood Earth is the existence of a canopy of water in the stratosphere
In the Genesis Account of Creation, we read:
Genesis 1:6-8, 'Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.'
The Firmament (now known as the sky)
The "firmament" is not a word which we now use, so we need to look carefully to see what God is talking about. Fortunately in Genesis 1:20 it becomes perfectly clear: "Let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens."
So the "firmament" is the sky, where the birds fly. In other words, the sky appeared between the water above the sky, and the water below the sky. After the appearance of the firmament there were three separate layers:
- Region 1: Water in the stratosphere.
- Region 2: The sky, where the birds fly.
- Region 3: Water below the sky, now known as the sea
There was therefore, at the original Creation, a water canopy in the stratosphere, above the sky (the firmament).
After Noah's Flood this water canopy in the stratosphere was removed, and the water became part of the waters of the Flood of Noah, approximately 4,400 years ago. The water canopy in the stratosphere is therefore no longer present.
The water canopy originally provided protection against cosmic radiation from outer space.
Warm temperature and greenhouse effect
The temperature was probably much warmer, with no variation of temperature over the entire planet because of the "greenhouse effect" of the vapour canopy in the stratosphere.
This perhaps explains why Mammoths preserved in the permafrost in Siberia have tropical vegetation in their stomachs.
Blocking of dangerous X-rays and ultraviolet radiation
One of the very important functions of the upper atmosphere today is that much of the dangerous radiation from the sun is filtered out.
However, some dangerous radiation still gets through to the surface of the Earth. This is why, for example, overexposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer.
The blocking of dangerous X-rays and gamma rays would probably have been much greater before the Flood. This may account for the much longer life spans of the patriarchs recorded in the Bible.
Richer oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
The water canopy in the stratosphere would have dramatically increased the partial pressure of gases on Planet Earth, causing 50% higher concentrations of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. This is proved in experiments on Pre-Flood air trapped in fossilised tree sap, now known as the semi- precious stone, Amber.
According to experiments recorded in Time magazine the partial pressure of Oxygen in the atmosphere was at one time 50% higher
According to Time Magazine the oxygen content in Amber is 50% higher than it is now, (see Time Magazine, Nov 9, 1987, p. 82).
- Amber is a semi-precious stone, commonly used in ladies' jewellery.
- Amber is actually fossilized tree sap, and frequently contains either insects, or bubbles of air.
- According to Time Magazine November 9, 1987, p. 82, bubbles of air in Amber have an oxygen content that is 50% higher than the present atmospheric air.
- According to this article in Time Magazine, Geochemists Gary Landis of the US Geological Survey and Robert Berner of Yale analyzed tiny air bubbles trapped in specimens of Amber.
- They placed the Amber specimens inside a vacuum chamber, and then opened the Amber, allowing the ancient trapped gases to escape.
- They found that the air contained 32% oxygen, which is much higher than our current 21% oxygen content in the atmosphere.
- This finding is confirmed in The New Scientist Magazine published on March 11, 2000. According to this article the air trapped in Amber has 35% oxygen.
These findings confirm that Planet Earth had much higher Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide levels at an earlier date, and would seem to confirm the theory about higher Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere, caused by the water canopy before Noah's Flood.

The Garden of Eden conditions described in the early chapters of Genesis were probably reflected all over the planet.
There was probably abundant vegetation, animals, birds and fish. Because of the warmer and more constant ambient temperature, and the high partial pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide humans, animals, birds, insects, and fish were much larger, as revealed in the fossil record described below.
There is a general teaching that early man was primitive. This is almost certainly incorrect. Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, and were probably extremely intelligent and creative, as were all the patriarchs.
Because of the protective effect of the water canopy, there was protection from damaging ultraviolet rays and gamma rays, with probably much lower incidence of consequent diseases such as cancer and foetal malformations.
Because of the higher Oxygen levels, the high blood Oxygen levels would have contributed to extreme longevity, resistance to bacterial and viral diseases, and greater metabolic efficiency, with consequent greatly enhanced athletic ability.
The average age of man before Noah's Flood was 912 years. Today it is 70- 80
The average recorded life span in the Bible of the early patriarchs is 912 years. This is in stark contrast to today's much shorter life spans, with 70 -80 years being typical. This may be accounted for by the higher oxygen content, the protective effect of the water canopy, lack of disease, better diet, and much less hostile weather patterns.
The Bible describes giants, before and after Noah's Flood.
It is recorded in 1 Samuel 17:4 that Goliath was six cubits and a span tall, which is approximately nine feet tall.
The Bible records, in Deuteronomy chapter 3 v11, that the iron bed of Og, King of Basham, was 9 cubits by 4 cubits or approximately 14 feet long by 6 feet wide.
Skeletons of giants discovered in tombs Turkey
In the late 1950s during road construction in South East Turkey in the Euphrates Valley, many tombs containing the remains of giants were uncovered.
At two sites the thigh bones (femurs) were measured to be about 120cm (47.24 inches).
Joe Taylor, Director of the Mount Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, was commissioned to create this anatomically correct, and to scale, human femur. The original giant stood 14 -16 feet tall, and had 20-22 inch long feet. His or her finger tips, with arms to their sides, would be about 6 feet above the ground!
Giant thumb bone discovered by Ron Wyatt near Noah's Ark, Eastern Turkey

Ron Wyatt discovered Noah's Ark in 1982. His site has been officially recognised by the Turkish Government (click here to visit Noah's Ark on this web site).
Near this site, Ron Wyatt discovered this thumb bone, which is compared with a normal human thumb bone. It is approximately twice the normal length, and therefore probably came from a 12 foot man who formerly lived in Eastern Turkey near Noah's Ark.

Insects breathe oxygen through spiracles in their skin. Their size is limited only by the amount pf Oxygen available. In the high Oxygen Pre-Flood atmospheric conditions, insects grew much larger.
Fossilised dragonfly with 50 inch wing span

This fossilised dragonfly was discovered in Italy with a 50 inch wingspan click here
We believe that this Pre-Flood dragonfly was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Fossilised Tarantula spider

A fossil of a giant tarantula spider about 18 inches long has been discovered. We believe that this Pre-Flood tarantula spider was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Giant turtle

This giant turtle skeleton is exhibited at the Yale Museum, New Haven, Connecticut. It is approximately 10 feet high. This is simply evidence that giant turtles existed.
Fossilised cockroaches

Cockroaches over 18 inches long have been found in the fossil record. They would have been unpleasant pests in the kitchen!
Fossilised giant centipede

A fossil of a centipede eight and a half feet long has been discovered by palaeontologist in Germany.
We believe that this Pre-Flood centipede was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Fossilised cattails 60 feet high have been discovered in sedimentary rock.
In the Pre-Flood atmosphere the Carbon Dioxide content was much higher because of the canopy of water.
This high Carbon Dioxide content caused the cattails, and all vegetation, to grow much larger, and also more abundantly.
Even today tomato plants grown in artificially created atmospheres in greenhouses with high Carbon Dioxide content produce very large crops of tomatoes.
We believe that the vegetation before the Flood was superabundant, with extremely large trees, fruit, and vegetables. It was truly superabundant vegetation, all over the world.
During the Flood, the huge forests were rapidly compressed under tons of rock, forming our huge coal seams all over the world. Coal can be artificially created today by compression of vegetable matter.
We believe that animals and fishes were compressed at the time of the Flood to form the huge oil reservoirs.
Giant Buffalo

A fossilised buffalo horn with a 12 foot span has been discovered, and is in Dr Baugh's museum in the USA.
We believe that this Pre-Flood buffalo was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Giant Donkeys

A donkey was excavated in Texas, USA, which is 9 feet high at the shoulder. This proves the existence of giant donkeys.
Giant Beavers
Fossils of beavers over 8 feet long have been found.
We believe that these Pre-Flood beavers were buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
The jaw of a beaver 8 foot long has also been found in the USA, proving the existence of giant beavers.
A key to understanding the Pre-Flood Earth is the existence of a canopy of water in the stratosphere
In the Genesis Account of Creation, we read:
Genesis 1:6-8, 'Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.'
The Firmament (now known as the sky)
The "firmament" is not a word which we now use, so we need to look carefully to see what God is talking about. Fortunately in Genesis 1:20 it becomes perfectly clear: "Let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens."
So the "firmament" is the sky, where the birds fly. In other words, the sky appeared between the water above the sky, and the water below the sky. After the appearance of the firmament there were three separate layers:
- Region 1: Water in the stratosphere.
- Region 2: The sky, where the birds fly.
- Region 3: Water below the sky, now known as the sea
There was therefore, at the original Creation, a water canopy in the stratosphere, above the sky (the firmament).
After Noah's Flood this water canopy in the stratosphere was removed, and the water became part of the waters of the Flood of Noah, approximately 4,400 years ago. The water canopy in the stratosphere is therefore no longer present.
The water canopy originally provided protection against cosmic radiation from outer space.
Warm temperature and greenhouse effect

This perhaps explains why Mammoths preserved in the permafrost in Siberia have tropical vegetation in their stomachs.
Blocking of dangerous X-rays and ultraviolet radiation

However, some dangerous radiation still gets through to the surface of the Earth. This is why, for example, overexposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer.
The blocking of dangerous X-rays and gamma rays would probably have been much greater before the Flood. This may account for the much longer life spans of the patriarchs recorded in the Bible.
Richer oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
The water canopy in the stratosphere would have dramatically increased the partial pressure of gases on Planet Earth, causing 50% higher concentrations of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. This is proved in experiments on Pre-Flood air trapped in fossilised tree sap, now known as the semi- precious stone, Amber.
According to experiments recorded in Time magazine the partial pressure of Oxygen in the atmosphere was at one time 50% higher

- Amber is a semi-precious stone, commonly used in ladies' jewellery.
- Amber is actually fossilized tree sap, and frequently contains either insects, or bubbles of air.
- According to Time Magazine November 9, 1987, p. 82, bubbles of air in Amber have an oxygen content that is 50% higher than the present atmospheric air.
- According to this article in Time Magazine, Geochemists Gary Landis of the US Geological Survey and Robert Berner of Yale analyzed tiny air bubbles trapped in specimens of Amber.

- They found that the air contained 32% oxygen, which is much higher than our current 21% oxygen content in the atmosphere.
- This finding is confirmed in The New Scientist Magazine published on March 11, 2000. According to this article the air trapped in Amber has 35% oxygen.
These findings confirm that Planet Earth had much higher Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide levels at an earlier date, and would seem to confirm the theory about higher Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere, caused by the water canopy before Noah's Flood.

The Garden of Eden conditions described in the early chapters of Genesis were probably reflected all over the planet.
There was probably abundant vegetation, animals, birds and fish. Because of the warmer and more constant ambient temperature, and the high partial pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide humans, animals, birds, insects, and fish were much larger, as revealed in the fossil record described below.
There is a general teaching that early man was primitive. This is almost certainly incorrect. Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, and were probably extremely intelligent and creative, as were all the patriarchs.
Because of the protective effect of the water canopy, there was protection from damaging ultraviolet rays and gamma rays, with probably much lower incidence of consequent diseases such as cancer and foetal malformations.
Because of the higher Oxygen levels, the high blood Oxygen levels would have contributed to extreme longevity, resistance to bacterial and viral diseases, and greater metabolic efficiency, with consequent greatly enhanced athletic ability.
The average age of man before Noah's Flood was 912 years. Today it is 70- 80


It is recorded in 1 Samuel 17:4 that Goliath was six cubits and a span tall, which is approximately nine feet tall.
The Bible records, in Deuteronomy chapter 3 v11, that the iron bed of Og, King of Basham, was 9 cubits by 4 cubits or approximately 14 feet long by 6 feet wide.
Skeletons of giants discovered in tombs Turkey

At two sites the thigh bones (femurs) were measured to be about 120cm (47.24 inches).
Joe Taylor, Director of the Mount Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, was commissioned to create this anatomically correct, and to scale, human femur. The original giant stood 14 -16 feet tall, and had 20-22 inch long feet. His or her finger tips, with arms to their sides, would be about 6 feet above the ground!
Giant thumb bone discovered by Ron Wyatt near Noah's Ark, Eastern Turkey

Near this site, Ron Wyatt discovered this thumb bone, which is compared with a normal human thumb bone. It is approximately twice the normal length, and therefore probably came from a 12 foot man who formerly lived in Eastern Turkey near Noah's Ark.

Insects breathe oxygen through spiracles in their skin. Their size is limited only by the amount pf Oxygen available. In the high Oxygen Pre-Flood atmospheric conditions, insects grew much larger.
Fossilised dragonfly with 50 inch wing span

This fossilised dragonfly was discovered in Italy with a 50 inch wingspan click here
We believe that this Pre-Flood dragonfly was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Fossilised Tarantula spider

A fossil of a giant tarantula spider about 18 inches long has been discovered. We believe that this Pre-Flood tarantula spider was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Giant turtle

This giant turtle skeleton is exhibited at the Yale Museum, New Haven, Connecticut. It is approximately 10 feet high. This is simply evidence that giant turtles existed.
Fossilised cockroaches

Cockroaches over 18 inches long have been found in the fossil record. They would have been unpleasant pests in the kitchen!
Fossilised giant centipede

A fossil of a centipede eight and a half feet long has been discovered by palaeontologist in Germany.
We believe that this Pre-Flood centipede was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.

In the Pre-Flood atmosphere the Carbon Dioxide content was much higher because of the canopy of water.
This high Carbon Dioxide content caused the cattails, and all vegetation, to grow much larger, and also more abundantly.
Even today tomato plants grown in artificially created atmospheres in greenhouses with high Carbon Dioxide content produce very large crops of tomatoes.
We believe that the vegetation before the Flood was superabundant, with extremely large trees, fruit, and vegetables. It was truly superabundant vegetation, all over the world.
During the Flood, the huge forests were rapidly compressed under tons of rock, forming our huge coal seams all over the world. Coal can be artificially created today by compression of vegetable matter.
We believe that animals and fishes were compressed at the time of the Flood to form the huge oil reservoirs.
Giant Buffalo

A fossilised buffalo horn with a 12 foot span has been discovered, and is in Dr Baugh's museum in the USA.
We believe that this Pre-Flood buffalo was buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
Giant Donkeys

A donkey was excavated in Texas, USA, which is 9 feet high at the shoulder. This proves the existence of giant donkeys.
Giant Beavers

We believe that these Pre-Flood beavers were buried under tons of rock, and instantly fossilised at Noah's Flood, 4,400 years ago.
The jaw of a beaver 8 foot long has also been found in the USA, proving the existence of giant beavers.
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